Important information
Your rental agreement should be in your email within the next 2 minutes. Sign it and upload the picture of your driver’s license and debit/credit card
Eye protection is required by the law
Helmets are provided for free
Chain lock included with every rental
We have no policy on gas. You can bring it back completely empty, there will be no charge! Right now is like the last customer brought it back. Full tank cost less than $3 and you can ride on it more than 100 miles
Scooters can not be ridden on highways, causeways or interstates
You have to follow the same laws as a car
You can not ride on sidewalks, boardwalks, closed roads, especially on Ocean drive
Miami Beach police make us mark all the vehicles with numbers, so if you do anything illegal, they don’t have to run after you, they will just call us and you can lose the whole deposit. Please obey the laws
All the scooters must be returned by 7 p.m. It’s illegal for us to have any scooter on the road past 7 p.m. if they are not, the deposit will be taken
Thank you for your business